jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

Producto integrador de Inglés

Titular de la materia:Roberto Romero Lozada
Campo disciplinario:Inglés

Este proyecto consistira en realizar un ensayo sobre como te ves en 25 años

20 comentarios:

  1. 25 year life plan
    Already at the age of 25, I managed to graduate from university just 2 years ago, and not long ago I went back to study what interests me the most, which is dubbing. I have always wanted to give my voice to some character, I know anything, I want people to remember me for the best voice bender, but I would also like to make a character, so I could also study animation to give it life and voice to an own character.
    Once this is over, I would like to get married, start a family, have a child of my blood and also open up to the opportunity to open myself to an opportunity to adopt a girl who needs it.
    In 25 years I look stable, I have a house, but I still don't have a job as such, to have money I go to the movies to work and once I get money I get dubbing and finally I can have a job and once I finish that with practice I will be the best voice bender.

  2. 25 year life plan: Now that I have 25 years, I'll explain the most important events that happened to me on that period.
    I remember when I was 18 years old, and I had finished the high school, I planned to have a fallow year, but I knew that I would get bored so fast, so, I decided to take up the Mechatronic career, because it was my favorite topic and also that I'm good with maths and computing.
    After a time, I decided to begin the Mechatronic Engineering. It was really difficult, but I did it without big troubles. On that moment, I counted with the enough knowledge and resources to find a good job.
    Nowadays, I'm working on a industry of Mechatronic on Volkswagen, doing proyects that help the environment and also, planning meetings both in Mexico an Germany. But also, i'm thinking to get a mastery and if it's possible, a doctorate.
    Although everything i have to do, amazingly, sometimes I have free time for my hobbies, like read, paint, visit touristic zones, meet with friends, etc.

  3. During these 25 years the events that will train me to become a producer or a professional musician will pass, I see myself in a house or apartment but decorated to my liking, waking up in the morning happy and excited to start a day in which I will be surrounded of music, I do not see myself with the great car of the year but if with one that fulfills its objective, going happy to work with music, I see myself with few friends but who really appreciate me and I, they are surely married and be a father
    Maybe you are living in a country like Argentina or England due to the musical culture

  4. Me when I am 25

    Now that I am 25 years old and I am a plastic surgeon, I can help people who require my services, that is, I am able to improve the appearance caused by an accident, a birth malformation; Or, improve the aesthetic image of people who find certain "defects" in their beauty. This is a job that I love and that I would never ever stop doing.

    Now I’m invited to different gala meetings, in which I show up with new prizes and acknowledgments. Now that I’m 25, I could say that I am more than I expected to be or that anybody expected from me.

    I am currently studying for a PhD and I am planning that when I am 29 or 30, and I’ve already finish my PhD, I want to have a baby. I just want to have one child because I want to treat him as he deserves and fill him with a lot of love.

    Actually, right now I am busy planning my wedding with my boyfriend, we have been dating for 3 years. I want to get married when I am 29 years old; but what I’ve been planning is that the mask is in a beautiful chapel or in the shore. After the mask, I want to start the “honey moon” first in Cancun and then in Europe.

    I consider myself an intelligent and sporty person, that’s why actually my body is beautiful and with good shape. My boyfriend also wants me to get a tattoo named "the rune of love" that will link us in life and death.

    I hope that my life goes exactly as planned, or better. I’m also happy of been an excellent student on high school and for having obtained the excellence scholarship, the same one that led me to be the best doctor in the country.

    I have to admit that it’s difficult been an adult, because there exist to many responsibilities and tougher jobs.

    I’m Really happy.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. The plan for my 25 years old me!

    The future is uncertain for me. Having a life plan is unnecessary for me since it is usual to constantly change, but I set goals for myself and that can help me visualize what I would be like at 25 years of age.

    I have always liked things that have to do with design, drawing, programming, among many others ... Currently I have not the remotest idea of what I want to study, or what I want to dedicate to the rest of my life, but one of the goals that I set myself to reach, or at least begin to reach, at the age of 25, is to change and leave my mark on this world in anything that can help society grow. I think that all the skills I have in the things I like to do can help me achieve this and much more. One of the ideas that I have to achieve this goal is to make a project in which I can express myself about various social controversies that currently exist, as some short film, or also how music in general had done it . Aside from all these cool things I plan to do, at the same time I would like to be developing new methods of entertainment, to be able to help all those stressed people. All this I plan to do through the development of a web page, a video game, a short or feature film, a computer program, or something else ... If I can't start this, another goal that I set myself is to be able to help the most needy with the few resources that I could provide them in that time, at the same time to develop a product or service that can support everyone equally, or at least begin to develop this one.

    I am a dreamer and I know it. Sometimes my illusions let me take away from reality, but I would like to leave a little of myself in the world and that every time someone uses, sees or at least recognizes my work, he or she feels happy and / or helps them to strive or move forward and forget the problems. I would like to support the world in any way.

    If we talk about a more private environment, I would like to start a family with a person who knows how to value me and supports my dreams and does not interrupt them. A person who is special, at least in my universe. I would like to be with anyone who is willing to leave society behind and not afraid to show others that I am with them. It would fill me with happiness to form a family, more than for the economic thing, or the benefits that this can offer me, for a sincere feeling of love for each other. In that private section of me, I would like to search a guy that can understand me.

    At the end, I don´t know if I could even get one of those things, but I´m sure I will fight every day from my life to get it, and when I get them, I will fight for those dreams to stay, or to be better each day from my life.

  7. 25 years my life plan: I am known as a Mexican politician who seeks the common good for society, I have had problems that I have solved like everyone else, but nevertheless I cannot allow the rights of people to be violated in order for the city to function properly.

    I have a nice department where I live with my beautiful girlfriend who is a hard-working and responsible person, that has allowed me to have a good relationship with her.

    I still like basketball, sneakers and spending time with my family, I have my own car and I like to visit my family in Puebla on occasion.

    I am happy and hard working.

    I am currently developing a municipal project that first God becomes at state level after a certain time; This consists of restoring recreational parks with recyclable materials and also creating free spaces to have fun and play sports, some courts and green areas, it is also planned to implement in federal schools.

    My daily routine is basic, since I get up early, have breakfast and go to work, at night I return home and relax or go to the gym.

    I like to see improvement so the boys can have soccer or basketball courts, the parks, the necessary equipment and the facilities that my friends and I did not have when we practiced basketball, soccer, baseball, volleyball.

    On the weekends I go to meetings , congresses, proposals and some times I go out and eat or stroll to the malls, monuments or down town Mexico city because there is nothing wrong with learning more about culture and gastronomy.

    Every month I have a meeting with my cousins ​​in which we discuss proposals, talk about sports, cars, share experiences and organize plans just like we used to do when we were little kids.

    My current purpose is to improve my position and move up, to have a family and a son or daughter who will be basketball players like their dad, who like to study, retro music, play sports, see for the common good, recycle, care for the planet and being leaders in addition to always having to defend the lives of innocent beings and make this world a better place.


  8. How I see myself in the future
    Well, before I started I wanted to do this job, slowly introducing my life starting with 5 years, 10 and then 15 years
    In 5 years ...
    I will be 21, that means that I will still be studying (I hope so). At this age I hope to be studying criminology since it is something that strikes me a lot and includes things that I like. At this time and as is the health situation and things that happen in Mexico I hope to reach that age. At 21 I hope to see myself mature and determined, but without neglecting my fun side, continue seeing my best friends and make meetings as always
    In 10 years...
    In 10 years I will be 26 years old (while I am doing the work I am feeling very old ). I see myself as an independent woman who finished her studies, I see myself working hard to achieve everything I have always wanted and liked. What I am most excited about is getting married so my dream is to get married at the age of 25 so by this age I would already be married (I hope so)
    And finally in 15 years ...
    When I am 31 years old I already want to have my first child. In fact, I plan to have my first child at 31 and the second at 32, I would like to have a boy (who is the oldest) and a girl (who is the youngest) as I have always liked seeing my friends or friends with her brothers and see the relationship they have. Surely at this stage of my life I will be very happy and very nervous because I know the responsibility of raising a child and I would like to educate him the way they did me. In this very important period I would also like to be close to my family, my mother mainly.
    As a general conclusion in the future I see myself as a married woman and very happy in her life with 2 children. Always having as a priority his family and values. That means, starting today, knowing how to balance my life, striving at school and never leaving aside the things I love the most.

  9. My life plan
    In 25 years I am going to be a strong woman with a stable career in which I can have free time and have flexible hours and have a fairly good salary and above all that I like and do not have to go as a commitment but with joy to do what I like.

    Just as I am going to have a partner with whom I can share everything and I do not have to keep secrets or have to distrust, but I can trust her and above all I can stay close for many years and that over time we will have two children.

    One of them is going to be a girl and a boy the girl is going to be called Sofia and the boy is going to be called Diego, which I am going to instill in them the art of dance since it is very important that they learn to dance and with the passage of the time if they do not like that they decide what they like the most, be it soccer, gymnastics or whatever they like.

    What I'm going to keep doing is giving dance classes of any kind of gender as long as I don't stop dancing since from a very young age it is one of the things I like to do the most and it helps me to get stressed as I like to teach the smallest as there are you realize everything they can learn from a very young age and see everything they can achieve from a very young age.

  10. 25-year plan
    Well in 25 years I'm going to be 41 honestly I had never thought to my 41s because I feel that it's already very far ahead but I see me in a house not very big because I don't want children and because I want to get married but I don't know if I'm going to get married , I want to have cats since I like them, I hope to have a stable job, that I like and apart from that get oay well, I want to have already traveled to many places of the world, have a lot of clothes for any occasion, spend time with my family.
    I want to keep doing some sport and if i can't even do exercise, go to the gym or something because I don't want to be fat and finally I want to be very happy with everything I have, never lose the spark and be a better person day by day.

  11. My life plan at 25 years is having a job, studying or having already finished college well and with great qualifications. To be able to start a project well.
    Having money and being independent, with an apartment or a house and a stable couple with which I can be happy and with a puppy.
    Traveling to diferent places with family, partner, etc.
    Being happy with what I have and working on my projects like making a restaurant, working to earn my own money and not depending on anyone, knowing how to employ and distribute my money.
    With a more close family, full of travel and more moments. As well as being able to help abandoned puppies, getting and assembling a shelter for them.
    I also see myself doing a lot of exercise while in college like football or volleyball or even being able to compete in contest and karting race, traveling to many Kartodromos and my dad always leaning on that.
    If you get the opportunity to have a child for now and not being safe to have a child and educate him and be able to give him the best things he can have.
    In my life plan above all I seek to be happy and enjoy, try to do things right and succeeding.

  12. Reach my goals
    At 25 I hope to finish or to be about to finish my career, I'm still not sure what to study, but in my options this biology, also to live alone and become independent. I want to have children, but not so big, I still don't think at 25 is the right age. I hope to have a healthy and future relationship. Having already gone to many concerts and at least hugging one of my idols. Travel to the USA, Korea, Japan and Canada.

  13. Me at 25 years old

    When I am 25 years old, I will have fulfilled some of my goals that I had, but at that age I will just start my journey as an entrepreneur, at that time I will already have my first company in the area of agriculture, but in a few years I will found my next company that will be in the area of real estate, these will be some of the companies that I hope to have throughout my life.

    I will start planning to start a family, so if I want to fulfill that dream, I will have to start working very hard from my adolescence to give my family a very good life.

    I hope I can spend a lot of time with my family, because for me that is something very important, that is why I want to be in the world of entrepreneurship so that I do not have to work 8 hours a day to get home tired and not being able to dedicate the time I wanted to my family.

  14. Life Plan
    Hello, I am Isaac Benitez, I’m 25 years old and I am one of the most recognized young entrepreneurs in the country. I have appeared in 30 Under 30 of Forbes magazine because of my multiple contributions to society.
    I own several companies however I do not manage them because I feel that it would be a lot of stress for my age and I do not want to harm my health which is vital to me.
    I have a program to help young talents from all over the world in the area of science and technology.
    I am currently finishing a master's degree in public administration, as in the future I want to delve into the politics of my country. I think Mexico can be improved, but only with a good education.
    I have no family yet because I prefer to focus on generating income and improving my country through private initiative.
    In a few years, I would like to become president of the country to work shoulder-to-shoulder with the country's intellectuals and create real strategies to resolve most conflicts in the country.
    I have many dreams to fulfill but also a lot of ambition to achieve them.

  15. My plan at 25
    When I am 25 years old I would like to have finished my law degree and be doing my specialty in international law at the Complutense University of Madrid.
    I see myself as a member of the Rotary program "Rotaract" which is responsible for solving some problems internationally.
    I would have a healthy relationship, however, I would not marry at that age, because I think I could still do many more things and enjoy my friends.
    I will be independent and when I can I will return to Mexico to visit my parents and my friends.
    Something I also see myself doing is traveling to many countries with Rotary to help people.
    Once I have fulfilled the above, I will work in an embassy as a criminal lawyer specialized in international law.

  16. Life plan at 25 years

    I am currently 25 years old, I am working abroad while studying my master's degree in business creation and management, I finished my degree in international business at 23 and I have also participated in several international marathons representing Mexico.

    My digital marketing and consulting company is positioned as the best in Puebla and my real estate company is just starting operations with a small work in the Angelópolis area, the plan is to gradually expand to the main cities of the Mexican Republic within the next few years.

    My closest goal is to publish the book in which I have been working for several years and thanks to this and multiple achievements that I have achieved throughout my short career, I have been recognized on the Forbes 30 under 30 list, which recognizes the 30 most influential people under 30 in the business world.

    I am starting to plan my wedding with my girlfriend but first we are going to move together but we decided to make a big change and that is why we are going to Nuevo León and we are just going to check some houses to see which one we buy.

    Currently I am very happy with everything I have achieved at such a young age and I will continue working in the coming years to continue meeting the goals I set for myself and also continue traveling around the world with my girlfriend.

  17. My life plan at the age of 25
    When I am 25 I will be exodus as a leader, I will be crying at my last assembly, then I will prepare for my camp and when I am there at the time of launching the torch I will cry and remember everything I lived in that group and everything I lived thanks to that group. Also by then I will graduate and look for a formal job (because for those moments I would need money and I plan to have a job as a guide in zoos or some green area because I like that) I will also have my apartment where I will live alone but happy.
    I hope that my days if I work in the hotel business would be to return to my apartment (because I would live alone) have a glass of wine and quietly tidying up the place or doing more work drinking my wine, one of the certain things is that I want to go alone now by then it is something that is not going to be discussed.

  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DRabit5MhAviq8gR8MJ5fab4yWt_tsAhyB4wrkbs6FA/edit

  19. life plan
    When i have 25 years old

    At this moment i would have finished studying my career, previously i would be studying a master degree or doing a speciality that could have a relationship with my formation as a professional, i wish i could study my career at “Universidad de las américas puebla”.
    One of my goals is being responsible, organized, and with the idea of what i want to do with my life, i want to be independent paying my own things.
    I want to have the ability of evaluating the nutritional state of each individual, communities or other population groups, at the same giving them a food plan or diet that they require considering the biological and sociocultural conditions. Working as a nutritionist at a hospital or medical center, an impossible goal that i want to achieve is having my own clinic and helping people.

  20. Life plan
    My name is Daniela and I hope that in 25 years I will be working in an Ad agency, and to be a graduate of the University of the Americas, also that I am satisfied because I have already fulfilled most of my goals, I will probably be working on another goal, mastering 4 languages.
    I hope I have already found the right person, and have no children, and spend my free time helping people in certain communities, , where they do not have sufficient resources to have a good quality of life.
    I hope to be a hardworking, a psychologically and economically stable person, but above all responsible.
